From beginners to beyond. All courses can be done at your own pace.

Choose the course you love, click the link to find out more and get unlimited access for 50% off

Popular 21 Day Challenges 

Normally $37 AUD now only $18.50

UNLOCK Leg Hooping

Normally $37 AUD now only $18.50

UNLOCK Leg Hooping Course

UNSTUCK 21 Days to Rediscovering Your Hoop Magic

Normally $44 AUD now only $22

21 Days to UNSTUCK

Hoop Dance Flow Classes (4 full-length classes each season) 

Normally $37 now only $18.50

Beginners & Specialty Hooping Courses

50% off all courses

The Flow Body 360 Invitations 

Normally $44 NOW ONLY $22 AUD

Creative Hoop Workshops 

Normally $11 NOW ONLY $5.50 AUD

All courses are priced in AUD (Australian Dollars) 

Currency is converted in the secure shopping cart at checkout. Conversion depends on the exchange rate at the time of purchase but $37 AUD is approximately $24 USD at the moment (exchange rates will vary)

Once you purchase a Hooplovers course you will have unlimited access and can log in at any time.

50% off applies to all Hooplovers courses, not the teacher trainings (Hoop Love Coach Training and Little Circles Teacher Training)


  • Can I buy a course now and start later?

    Yes. You have unlimited access to any courses you purchase. You can start whenever and replay any lessons, anytime.

  • What is AUD?

    AUD is Australian Dollars. When you purchase online through the secure shopping cart the currency will be automatically converted to your local currency and at the exchange rate at the time of purchase. The Australian dollar is pretty weak right now, so it is a good time to buy.

  • I am a total beginner. What courses will suit me?

    I would recommend the 28 Day Starter Pack for a thorough step by step guide to all the foundations of tricks, transitions & technique. You might also want to grab the 21 Day Shoulder Hooping (at such a great price!) to play with later to strengthen your On Body flow.