If you are just starting out with your hooping, learning from online tutorials and need some live, real-time support to take your hooping skills next level then this 4 week course is for you.
We will be exploring on body, off body, transitions and combinations so that you can dance, move and play with your hoop.
4 x weekly live classes for beginners to beyond that will help you to master all the foundations of hooping so that you can flow more freely in your hoop.
Each week you will be invited to a 1 hour live (and recorded if you miss it) hoop class plus a bonus 30 minute trouble shooting session. Building on your skills each week.
You can ask questions and get feedback to really enhance your hooping flow and freedom.
Each class will include a warm up, trick learning, technique, flow sessions (putting tricks together), playtime and cool down PLUS a live trouble shooting session so you can ask any questions and get live, expert feedback.